Date with Death

Date with Death by Eve Langlais

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have to give this 4.5 stars because it made me smile the whole time I was reading it. The characters were really fun and interesting with some witty banter and sexy moves.

Marigold has a date with Death both literally and figuratively. Death is coming to claim her soul for Hell but he finds that she can see him, which is not right, and she figures out how she is to die and so avoids it. What she does next both confounds and surprises Death when she invites him to dinner the next night.

Mick is an Aztec god who is a good friend of Lucifer and one of many who take on the mantle of death. He is fascinated by the witch who can see him and wants to know why. But should he really go to dinner with someone he was originally sent to reap?

The couple is fun and hot. The story is interesting with a minor twist that surprised me at least since I had not thought beyond the obvious. I would definitely recommend this and the previous books in the series.

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Mictain, the Aztec god of death and collector of souls for Satan himself, translocated—a new fancy term created by the office for metaphysical terminology and scientific advancement for folding space and time to get from point A to point B immediately—back to his home in Hades. His head still shook in disbelief over his encounter with the confounding human.

Date with Death