The Demon Rift

This started out by confusing me and then just keeping me wondering. I enjoy a story that has monsters of both the human and otherworldly variety but this one did not really fully immerse me at any time. The blurb is a little deceptive because it makes it sound like one thing when it turns out to be something else altogether, though I will not divulge how it differs. The story jumps around a lot, mainly through time but also locations can change from chapter to chapter and sometimes sections. Once you know who is being targeted and why it seems unnecessary to continue moving through time.

The story is kind of predictable once you get into it and it is also a little overblown. With all of that, I never felt any dread or even a little frightened by what was going on. The characters while well drawn in most cases still did not make me like them enough to ever fully care about what was happening or going to happen to them. Plus the added headache of trying to keep straight who was related to who made me less than happy since I had to keep looking back to remember. I mostly just wanted to know how things were going to end for each. The locations are all familiar in that I know where they are even if I have never been there myself.

The story is told in a non-linear manner which makes it sometimes hard to follow. The ideas behind the story are interesting and I liked them, which is why I wanted to read it. The problem is that it didn’t hold up to what I expected.

The story begins in Victorian England in the year 1894 in the home of a minor noble who has brought together others for an evocation of evil. A young serving girl is curious and hides away to observe what these rich people are doing which requires her to do extra work. As the gathered nobles start their incantations something on the other side of a barrier finds the new life within the girl and decides that using it can further its goals. The child is touched and changed in his mother’s womb and so it begins.

Fast forward to 2004 in Ohio on Christmas Eve and we will find the culmination of all those years in between. The evil has grown up and needs to feed in order to open the door between world that will devastate the human race.

There were some glitches in the narrative with sentences ending abruptly leaving out words obviously in several chapters. The demons and the rift itself do not show up very often and when they do are less than scary. You also have words used in the wrong way or order and the wrong words being used on occasion, but you can usually figure out what is being said.

I liked this well enough though it did not tick all the boxes for me when it comes to a novel I know is supposed to be horror. I would recommend this to anyone who likes horror or supernatural stories.

My rating: 💖💖💖