My Ghostly Valentine

I began this series with the final installment and now find myself compelled to return to the outset, drawn by the allure of the characters, despite making their acquaintance belatedly. This title has lingered on my To-Be-Read list for some time, and I deemed now an opportune moment to delve in. Although initially slow to engage me, once captivated, I was unable to set it aside until the very end. The town’s idiosyncratic charm, populated by a bevy of eccentric inhabitants, beckons one to delve deeper.

After completing her education, Patricia O’Dare departed her hometown to carve out a niche in Manhattan’s culinary scene. Post-culinary school, she returns, armed with a degree and nursing a broken heart. Her aspirations were unfulfilled then, but now she seizes an opportunity to realize her dreams anew—if only she can acquire Rosemoor and transform it into more than a mere local bakery.

Zach Franco, once a celebrated guitarist and vocalist reveling in the itinerant musician’s lifestyle, faces a life-altering accident that halts his career. He retreats to his roots, assuming control of his family’s pizzeria and steering it toward success. Yet, he aspires to broaden his horizons, and Rosemoor represents the ideal venue for expansion. However, he discovers that his dear friend Patricia harbors similar ambitions.

Complicating matters is the ghost inhabiting Rosemoor, who takes umbrage at their respective visions for her domain. Amidst these tumultuous dynamics, can romance flourish—particularly one unforeseen?

Banshee Creek claims the title of America’s most haunted town, yet its denizens have ingeniously capitalized on this notoriety. I hold each one dear! This narrative is an enchanting blend of humor and romance—a lighthearted tale devoid of scandal. A delightful read that I believe would resonate with many.

My rating: 🌠🌠🌠🌠