Day Shift

The story continues seamlessly a few months after Manfred has taken up residence in Midnight and he is more a member of the community. The characters are already well established and I like them all, even Olivia. The town seems to be changing in subtle ways that the residents cannot do anything about. Several stories are going on in this book that relate to individuals and then come back to the group. This is an ensemble that works well apart but even better when they come together to help each other.

People say there is no such thing as bad publicity but in Midnight where the residents value their solitude it can be deadly. Olivia Charity is an anomaly in a town of secretive people. No one really knows what she does for a living, only that she is beautiful and dangerous.

While in Dallas on a working weekend, Manfred finds out just how dangerous Olivia really is when a couple she is seen in their hotel winds up dead at the end of the evening. Things take a turn for the worse when one of Manfred’s regulars dies during their reading, and her son makes claims that could put Manfred in jail as well as bring the eyes of the world to Midnight, Texas. Olivia is told to help Manfred get rid of his problem and she reluctantly agrees.

Sookie gets a mention here and a character from Dallas who hasn’t been seen in a long time. Things get a little more mysterious in some instances and we get some explanations for other things. I enjoyed this a great deal and think anyone else would too. This is a three-book series and should be read in order.

My rating: ✺✺✺✺