My Ghostly Valentine

I began this series with the final installment and now find myself compelled to return to the outset, drawn by the allure of the characters, despite making their acquaintance belatedly. This title has lingered on my To-Be-Read list for some time, and I deemed now an opportune moment to delve in. Although initially slow to engage me, once captivated, I was unable to set it aside until the very end. The town’s idiosyncratic charm, populated by a bevy of eccentric inhabitants, beckons one to delve deeper.

After completing her education, Patricia O’Dare departed her hometown to carve out a niche in Manhattan’s culinary scene. Post-culinary school, she returns, armed with a degree and nursing a broken heart. Her aspirations were unfulfilled then, but now she seizes an opportunity to realize her dreams anew—if only she can acquire Rosemoor and transform it into more than a mere local bakery.

Zach Franco, once a celebrated guitarist and vocalist reveling in the itinerant musician’s lifestyle, faces a life-altering accident that halts his career. He retreats to his roots, assuming control of his family’s pizzeria and steering it toward success. Yet, he aspires to broaden his horizons, and Rosemoor represents the ideal venue for expansion. However, he discovers that his dear friend Patricia harbors similar ambitions.

Complicating matters is the ghost inhabiting Rosemoor, who takes umbrage at their respective visions for her domain. Amidst these tumultuous dynamics, can romance flourish—particularly one unforeseen?

Banshee Creek claims the title of America’s most haunted town, yet its denizens have ingeniously capitalized on this notoriety. I hold each one dear! This narrative is an enchanting blend of humor and romance—a lighthearted tale devoid of scandal. A delightful read that I believe would resonate with many.

My rating: 🌠🌠🌠🌠

Lying Season

lying season

Lying Season (Experiment in Terror #4)

I was emotional the whole time I was reading this. One minute up the next minute down, Dex and Perry are both so stubborn. Jenn is the biggest liar of the whole thing, I knew she was he one doing dirt. Well, pride goeth before the fall and I guess we can see what it brings. This was a gripping episode because it changes everything for everyone involved.

While I would love to say more, I think reading it will be more enjoyable. There is lust, deception, angst, horror, and mystery. What more could you ask for.



My rating: 5 of 5 stars


“You’re the light in all this madness. You’re my light. I should have been with you…” The thought hit him as his face crumpled in amazement. “Oh God, why am I not with you?”
“Because you’re an idiot,” I said.”
Karina Halle, Lying Season



Ghost Betweens


Ghost Betweens

My rating 4 of 5 stars
I usually like my horror a bit more bloody and dark but for this I will make an exception. While not bloody it did have a dark edge to it. It was an easy read that allowed you to get to know the characters in increments as the book progressed. Some were better represented than others but you still had an idea of who they were in relation to each other. The reasons behind the haunting was never made completely clear but the story was still good even without knowing every detail. It was able to keep my interest and keep me turning pages wanting to find out what would happen next. The term Ghost Betweens was a new one on me and I think I like it, it seems very apt for the teens here.

Citrus Valley is located somewhere between Los Angeles and Orange County in California. There is a farmhouse just outside the town which is said to be haunted and no one can say how long it has been empty. The local kids don’t party there and no one has even stayed for a night in the abandoned house, but it has a feeling that keeps people away. There is a sign out front which changes year to year or month to month and sometimes day by day, yet no one has ever been seen doing it.

Josh and Zach are high school boys who decide to go out and take pictures around the old farm and maybe capture some ghosts on film. They definitely get there wish and when the pictures are shown to one of their teachers he enlists them to continue their search for ghosts. They in turn bring into it Kendra, the girlfriend of Zach, and a new girl in school, Whisper who at first thinks she is joining a photography club. They wake up an evil that wishes to use them and they must race to master skills which will keep them alive and save more than their town from what could be released.

While light on scares it gives a nice story of young love blossoming in the face of horror. Finding the person who completes you before you are even complete yourself and learning to work together for the greater good. There was only one thing that bugged me and that was we never really got any answers about the teacher, like how he knew so much about ghosts, and spells, and evil entities, he was a history teacher after all. But that was a small thing and did not detract from the overall enjoyment of the story. This book is YA and so has no major heavy content.

The Departed

The Departed by Shiloh Walker   The Departed (FBI Psychics, #2)
by Shiloh Walker

My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

Taylor Jones gets 4.5 stars from me because I like my men broody. I
really, really liked this! All the elements I love in a story were here,
we have a mystery, murder, betrayal, love, sex, and ghosts. This is the
kind of story that makes you sit up all night because all you want is
to make sure that things turn out the way they should.

Jones is in charge of a special unit within the FBI which employees
psychics with varied abilities. These special people are able to solve
crimes which might otherwise go unsolved for years if not forever.
Desiree ‘Dez’ Lincoln has the ability to speak to and see ghosts, this
ability had overwhelmed her in the past, before she met Jones. Being
able to help those lost souls has helped her maintain her sanity.

Dez shows up a crime scene and insists on going in Taylor goes with her
but things do not turn out well. Dez is injured and Taylor takes it
very hard and demands that she take time off from her job, something she
cannot do without losing herself to the ghosts. She quits and goes out
on her own which takes a toll on her because she cannot forget about
Taylor and the ghosts have become more insistent. She finds herself
being called to French Lick, Indiana a small town where a ghost wants
her to make things right for him. It also happens to be the hometown of
Taylor who just happens to arrive there while she is in town. What is
going on in this small town is more than either of them could ever
imagine. Can they patch up their differences and stop the evil that
dwells there?

Shiloh Walker has crafted a world with hero’s and villains that are very real. As you get to know them you can’t help but root for them. Each story gives you more background into them as individuals. This is a wonderful series and should not be missed.