
I just finished reading a book that continued the story from the previous one. Although it was short, it felt just right for the established and new characters involved. The characters were all well-developed, even the ones who only appeared briefly. The stories were engaging and helped to advance the plot lines.

Mia was freed when Abby and her family came to find Vicky and found her and other purebred vampires being held captive. While the other captives have all moved on she and Vicky remain at the training center for similar reasons, both feeling that they cannot move forward just yet. David wants nothing more than to help Mia get past her anxiety over being held captive. He has feelings for her that could be more than she can handle.

Just as Mia starts to think things can really be better a past she does not remember comes back to tear her newfound happiness apart.

I was so happy to see one of the Stooges finally in a position to get a little real romance. They have been a part of the family and got to see it happen so often it is only fair one of them gets a chance. This was a wonderful story that was a little heartbreaking. You could not help but feel for Mia and all that she had gone through but she proved to be a fighter. This is definitely for a mature audience with some seriously hot sex scenes. Enjoy!

My rating: ✩✩✩✩✩