A Stone Kissed Sea

I enjoyed getting a chance to really get to know Doctor Lucien Thrax after having met him in earlier novels. This revealed a great deal about him as an individual while also giving us the chance to meet his Sire, Saba, and the other ancients who have made cursory appearances since the original Elemental Mystery novels. The characters have all become more textured and nuanced as the series has progressed giving more depth and life to the world they inhabit. Knowing that this is the last novel set in this particular world made it bittersweet.

Lucien has been working on a cure for Elixir for the past three years without any luck, though he has had a few breakthroughs in detecting usage. The elimination of Elixir is very personal to him due to a loss he suffered because of it, it has also caused him to build a wall around his heart. Dr. Makeda Abel is a human under the aegis of Katya who has been funding the work of Lucien into the Elixir problem. Katya has also been funding the research of Makeda into human blood diseases and their possible cures.

Katya decides that even though Lucien has been working very hard and is making her money he could use some help. Makeda is sent to collaborate with Lucien, even though he would prefer to work alone. Lucien for his part does not take it well and does everything he can to make things difficult for Makeda, and because she would prefer not to be there she does not immediately fall in line. Though both of them are brilliant they cannot see what is right in front of them.

Power, Passion, and Politics. These are three things which drive the vampires as well as the humans in all our stories. You get a healthy dose of all three here as things go from good to bad to worse and back to good again. There is some good action along with a few steamy scenes that are fairly tame, though still hot enough for most. I believe fans will be more than happy with how things play out here.

** I listened to this for my second go with this as I have for the previous books in the series. It is just as compelling when listened to as when you read it. The narrator is fantastic and gives voice and life to all the characters. Enjoy this both ways.

My rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟