Midnight Labyrinth

The first three novellas provide a solid introduction to the series, acquainting us with key characters in Ben and Tenzin’s story. I give it 4.5 stars for the significant enjoyment it offers. Though not immediately gripping, by the second chapter, I was fully engaged and eager to see what would unfold next. The introduction of new characters and the return of familiar ones is appreciated after some time.

Benjamin Vecchio has abandoned his tumultuous life in New York, where he was raised by a famed vampire assassin. Now an adult, he comes back to the city that once brought him sorrow, intent on establishing an identity separate from his aunt and uncle. With Tenzin at his side, Ben begins to set up an antiquities recovery business in New York, echoing Giovanni’s rare book enterprise in California.

On a business outing one night, Ben encounters Chloe, his high school sweetheart, and they rekindle their relationship. Chloe introduces Ben to the works of Emil Samson, her celebrated artist, at an art gallery. There, Ben is struck by two discoveries: a troubling story from a young woman tied to a missing artwork, part of a trilogy, which he pledges to find pro bono, much to Tenzin’s chagrin. Moreover, their endeavors rarely proceed without complications.

This installment brings just the right amount of thrill, setting the stage for future books. It also addresses a grave domestic issue with appropriate sensitivity and attention. The experience is highly enjoyable, particularly when experienced through an audiobook that brings the characters to life vividly.

My rating: ✯✯✯✯½

Imitation and Alchemy

Once more, I was drawn into the world of these unique vampires with their fascinating lives. The humans connected to them are equally intriguing, living alongside predators who are just a moment away from turning on them. The seamless introduction of new characters gives an immediate understanding of their personas.

Ben expected a tranquil summer before his final college semester, but that was wishful thinking. Tenzin, intrigued by the prospect of locating a trove of invaluable medieval coins for the vampire ruling Naples, planned a trip to Italy.

Ben vowed not to get entangled in another of Tenzin’s plots. A year later, he finds himself on the brink of another Italian adventure with her, lacking crucial details. Once again, Tenzin’s actions surprise him, revealing hidden agendas. Yet, this apparent debacle might have a silver lining.

The sequel may lack the action of its predecessor, but it offers a more compelling narrative that delves deeper into Ben and Tenzin’s relationship. Ben contemplates his significance to Tenzin, who appears to have claimed him as her own. As they embark on their new partnership and living situation, their lives are bound to become even more entwined.

My rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

My Ghostly Valentine

I began this series with the final installment and now find myself compelled to return to the outset, drawn by the allure of the characters, despite making their acquaintance belatedly. This title has lingered on my To-Be-Read list for some time, and I deemed now an opportune moment to delve in. Although initially slow to engage me, once captivated, I was unable to set it aside until the very end. The town’s idiosyncratic charm, populated by a bevy of eccentric inhabitants, beckons one to delve deeper.

After completing her education, Patricia O’Dare departed her hometown to carve out a niche in Manhattan’s culinary scene. Post-culinary school, she returns, armed with a degree and nursing a broken heart. Her aspirations were unfulfilled then, but now she seizes an opportunity to realize her dreams anew—if only she can acquire Rosemoor and transform it into more than a mere local bakery.

Zach Franco, once a celebrated guitarist and vocalist reveling in the itinerant musician’s lifestyle, faces a life-altering accident that halts his career. He retreats to his roots, assuming control of his family’s pizzeria and steering it toward success. Yet, he aspires to broaden his horizons, and Rosemoor represents the ideal venue for expansion. However, he discovers that his dear friend Patricia harbors similar ambitions.

Complicating matters is the ghost inhabiting Rosemoor, who takes umbrage at their respective visions for her domain. Amidst these tumultuous dynamics, can romance flourish—particularly one unforeseen?

Banshee Creek claims the title of America’s most haunted town, yet its denizens have ingeniously capitalized on this notoriety. I hold each one dear! This narrative is an enchanting blend of humor and romance—a lighthearted tale devoid of scandal. A delightful read that I believe would resonate with many.

My rating: 🌠🌠🌠🌠

Beneath a Waning Moon

These two authors have collaborated on collections in the past, and they have always been good. I must confess that I am already a fan of Elizabeth Hunter’s Elemental series, and I always welcome any opportunity to revisit that world. I enjoyed the first piece I read from Grace Draven, and I was excited to see what she would bring to this collection. When I averaged my rating for each story, the overall rating came out to be 3.7 stars.

“A Very Proper Monster” received a rating of 4.5 stars. At first, it took me a while to realize whose story was being told. However, once it picked up, it almost rushed through their early life together. Despite this, I enjoyed everything about the book. It was a nice turn since we hadn’t seen many of these characters before.

Josephine Shaw is a spinster who spends her nights filling the pages of her Gothic stories with fantastical creatures for the enjoyment of others. She is unaware that her father is looking for a husband to care for her when he is gone. Tom Dargin agrees to court the ailing spinster to secure a deal between Mr. Shaw and his boss Patrick Murphy. But when he finally meets the woman in question he is drawn to her and no longer sees this as just a duty.

This was a sweet love story with bite. Tom and Josephine were destined even if neither could see it at first.

“Gaslight Hades” I gave 3.2 stars mainly because it was confusing for me. I had difficulty getting into the story and did not really warm up to the characters until almost the end. While it was supposed to be a Gothic romance I got more of a steampunk feel from it, not that I don’t like steampunk. The story somewhat reminds me of Lovecraft because of the monsters.

Nathaniel Gordon was a man once upon a time but now he is barely human and walks among both the living and the dead. Nathaniel is a Bonekeeper, a guardian against grave robbers who has a well-earned reputation for protecting his charges. He has resigned himself to the fact that his old life is over until he spots the woman he once loved in his graveyard.

Lenore Kenward has lost her father, a man she both loved and admired after losing her almost fiancé years before. While at the graveside she senses something and finds a guardian watching her, instead of being frightened like so many she asks him to keep her father’s grave safe. She also feels there is something familiar about him.

This was a really slow burn but delivered a decent love story in the end. Not my favorite but I came to like them both.

My rating: 💫💫💫💫


I enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed reading each book in this series. I love meeting new characters and also getting updates on the characters from earlier novels, but unfortunately, rarely any of the mates. Every time I start reading a book, I get pulled into the story and find it hard to put down until I finish, but I have to stop often because sleep and work get in the way. The world they inhabit is like ours but with a subtle twist.

Ever since Aiden stopped aging, he has been struggling with his dark impulses. Unlike his brothers who only had to deal with one dark impulse, Aiden is fighting against multiple ones such as bloodlust, sex, violence, and death. His work with Ronan has helped him to keep the darkness at bay, but he’s starting to lose the battle. He hopes someone will take him out before he gives in.

Maggie Doe had a difficult upbringing and always dreamed of having things she never had especially her own home. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when Aiden is rushed into her ambulance. Aiden has lost all hope for his future, but Maggie’s arrival brings a glimmer of hope back into his life.

This book has a good balance of mature themes, including sex, violence, and gore. It can be enjoyed as a standalone or as part of the larger series. I am excited for more young readers to experience it.

I found this book just as engaging as the others in the series. Tavia Gilbert’s narration is excellent and she brings each character to life, regardless of gender. I highly recommend it.

My rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Savage Possession

I really enjoy this book series, but it has become too predictable for me. The characters are still fantastic, and I love how they are depicted, but the plot is becoming a bit repetitive. The main couple always has to struggle to stay together due to some external force trying to keep them apart. This theme has been consistent since the first book, and while it was enjoyable initially, it has become tedious. It would be nice to see the characters dealing with different situations, or perhaps even have another couple in the pack face romantic challenges.

Darcy always knew that her life wouldn’t be easy. She expected to face various challenges and make hard decisions. Therefore, when she is faced with death, she makes an almost immediate decision that she will do anything to stay with her love, Mason. Zane suggests that she takes on vampire nature to replace her witch nature, and Darcy agrees without considering the consequences. However, after surviving the conversion, everyone is pleased, but they sense something different and dark about Darcy.

I already have the next book in the series but I’m unsure if I want to read it right now. I already know what’s going to happen since we’ve already had a showdown with the same villain before. Do I really need to waste my time? I do like the series, but it’s time for things to move forward. It feels like we’re always in the same place.

My rating: ✭✭✭✭


When Darkness Comes

I am just lucking into good authors all over the place these days. I guess I have been missing out on some great reads because I get so stuck on my favorites. I think this may just be another of my favorites. I liked the characters and the way that things progressed in the story. It was a little bit of instalove but it could be forgiven since they at least had been around each other more than a few days. I could however have done without the term ‘lover’ being used as an endearment from start to finish, it really did not resonate with me at all. Most of the dialogue was smooth and seemed to fit the characters but every once in a while things would come off a little stiff.

Abby Barlow ends up having one hell of a day. There is an explosion, she watches her employer die, has a bizarre dream, and finds herself on the run with Dante a man she both fears and desires. Dante was guardian to Abby’s employer for 341 years against his will. But now as the spirit which he has protected falls on Abby, he finds it not the burden it had been in the past. As Dante tries to protect Abby from the dark forces gathering to kill her they find that things are worse than either could have ever imagined.

I liked both Dante and Abby because I could identify with both of them as people. Abby had a horrible childhood but still managed to be a fairly positive person. I would have liked to get some more background on Dante since it was pretty sparse as far as getting to know him.

I like the action and romance of the story. I would recommend it to anyone who has a thing for vampire romance.

My Rating: ✯✯✯✯

Date with Death

Date with Death by Eve Langlais

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have to give this 4.5 stars because it made me smile the whole time I was reading it. The characters were really fun and interesting with some witty banter and sexy moves.

Marigold has a date with Death both literally and figuratively. Death is coming to claim her soul for Hell but he finds that she can see him, which is not right, and she figures out how she is to die and so avoids it. What she does next both confounds and surprises Death when she invites him to dinner the next night.

Mick is an Aztec god who is a good friend of Lucifer and one of many who take on the mantle of death. He is fascinated by the witch who can see him and wants to know why. But should he really go to dinner with someone he was originally sent to reap?

The couple is fun and hot. The story is interesting with a minor twist that surprised me at least since I had not thought beyond the obvious. I would definitely recommend this and the previous books in the series.

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Mictain, the Aztec god of death and collector of souls for Satan himself, translocated—a new fancy term created by the office for metaphysical terminology and scientific advancement for folding space and time to get from point A to point B immediately—back to his home in Hades. His head still shook in disbelief over his encounter with the confounding human.

Date with Death

A Demon and His Psycho

Welcome to Hell indeed! This is a place that you might not mind visiting because the denizens may be damned but they seem to be having a great time, at least those in the inner circle. Lucifer is an egotist who enjoys making mischief for his minions. This is a fun series that keeps giving you some interesting takes on demons, witches, and other residents of Hell.

When his granddaughter’s pet dragon goes missing Lucifer decides to pair up Katie and Xaphan to bring it back and punish the thief.

Katie comes flying into Xaphan’s life upsetting centuries of self-inflicted misery. How can he stay true to the one he lost when a bubbly, mismatch-eyed psycho keeps consuming his thoughts. She is nuts but Katie’s insanity comes in handy for the devil as his favorite problem solver. Xaphan is one of Lucifer’s favorite soldiers and he does not want to see any harm come to him, even though he set him up with a psycho killer. Xaphan has held onto his vow to never be with another woman for 300 years, but for some reason can see himself breaking it.

The story runs fairly quickly and the characters are definitely interesting. Fun ride!

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

“When she whirled to protest, he picked her up and took the stairs two at a time. The giggle as she clutched at him rang like music to his ears. “You’ll wear yourself out. It’s still two more flights.” “It’s you that needs to worry about stamina,” he growled. “It’s been more than three hundred years since I’ve had a woman.” “Thanks for the warning,” she whispered in his ear. “That means I better take care of you first so you’ve got time to recover for the main event.”

― Eve Langlais, A Demon and His Psycho

Angels of Bourbon Street

Angels of Bourbon Street by Deanna Chase

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoy these books and I like most of the characters because they have been able to grow as the series has moved forward, then there are some I could do without sometimes. Being set in New Orleans makes this work perfectly for the way things seem to go for everyone here. I have never been but every time I read one of these books I can imagine that I am visiting the French Quarter or the Garden District because of the vivid descriptions of the locales. I chose to listen and read because it does make it so much easier to keep the story going when I am on the go. I can listen in my office at work while still being productive and relaxed.

Jade has been left with only half her soul because of circumstances beyond her control, even though she was doing the right thing. But she decides that nothing is going to stop her from marrying the man of her dreams, Kane. Well, things never go smoothly for Jade no matter how much she wants it to.

Jade is possessed by the ghost residing in Kane’s family home while making arrangements for her wedding. Though they are able to save her once it becomes clear that in her weakened state she is easy prey. Now she will have to live with the person who has the other half of her soul in order to keep her safe, but that does not help her friends.

The narrator, Traci Odom, does a great job of bringing the characters to life, both male and female. If you have enjoyed the first three books in this series then you will enjoy the continued adventures of this new to her craft witch.

“Everyone in this room knows I’m going to say yes, but I’m not willing to let the realm have complete control over us. If we were to become slaves to you, our lives would hardly be worth living anyway. So my offer to you is this: the pair of us will accept your condition of becoming shadowwalkers, but we want to be compensated as a low-level angel would. We also want all the benefits and rights that they have under your laws. There will be no exceptions because we are humans.”
― Deanna Chase, Angels of Bourbon Street

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