
I enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed reading each book in this series. I love meeting new characters and also getting updates on the characters from earlier novels, but unfortunately, rarely any of the mates. Every time I start reading a book, I get pulled into the story and find it hard to put down until I finish, but I have to stop often because sleep and work get in the way. The world they inhabit is like ours but with a subtle twist.

Ever since Aiden stopped aging, he has been struggling with his dark impulses. Unlike his brothers who only had to deal with one dark impulse, Aiden is fighting against multiple ones such as bloodlust, sex, violence, and death. His work with Ronan has helped him to keep the darkness at bay, but he’s starting to lose the battle. He hopes someone will take him out before he gives in.

Maggie Doe had a difficult upbringing and always dreamed of having things she never had especially her own home. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when Aiden is rushed into her ambulance. Aiden has lost all hope for his future, but Maggie’s arrival brings a glimmer of hope back into his life.

This book has a good balance of mature themes, including sex, violence, and gore. It can be enjoyed as a standalone or as part of the larger series. I am excited for more young readers to experience it.

I found this book just as engaging as the others in the series. Tavia Gilbert’s narration is excellent and she brings each character to life, regardless of gender. I highly recommend it.

My rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


This was one of those books that it took me a while to get into. I liked the idea of the book and after reading the blurb I was prepared to totally like it but it did not click right away. I think it partially had to do with the main character, I had a hard time warming up to her. She was actually rather dull at the beginning though I had decided I liked her by the time we were getting to the end. The fact that the story was two-pronged both helped and hurt me. I understood that it was a matter of telling the story of Ichabod Crane as well as bringing it into the present it was not bad and I liked the way that his story was handled, the present just didn’t flow as well. I also liked that Washington Irving and Rip Van Winkle were prominent parts of his story.

Ichabod Crane and his friends go to Sleepy Hollow where he has been retained as the Schoolmaster. After the war, they are all just wanting to find work and live out their lives as peacefully as possible. But they have come to the wrong place to find that peace because Sleepy Hollow is under a curse that seems to be pulling them in. Ichabod has fallen in love with a girl who has been promised to another. Rip is making a reputation for himself under Ichabod’s name and Irving is just being himself. When the Horseman rides and seems to be coming for his beloved Ichabod makes the ultimate sacrifice.

Ireland Crane is looking to make a fresh start in Sleepy Hollow after a bad breakup that has left her mistrustful of men. She has no idea that bearing her name in that town is not the best of ideas. She comes there as a guidance counselor to the local High School and proceeds to fall into the role it seems she was always meant to play. When the Horseman seems to reappear and she becomes a prime suspect things could not seem worse. Then she finds a squatter in her basement who turns out to be Rip Van Winkle and he tells her that she is cursed.

With bodies dropping and no knowledge of why or how she seems to be involved Ireland must try to believe something so fantastic it could only be a movie. But to break the curse she will help someone she has never believed existed.

The story is a good one but it took a while for me to connect, this does not mean it would be the same for anyone else. Once it gets going well the story takes on a life of its own and draws you in. I am debating on reading the remaining books in the series but may just see where things go after she takes charge.

I would recommend it to anyone who likes the retelling of old myths and legends.

My rating: 🌟🌟🌟