The Demon Rift

This started out by confusing me and then just keeping me wondering. I enjoy a story that has monsters of both the human and otherworldly variety but this one did not really fully immerse me at any time. The blurb is a little deceptive because it makes it sound like one thing when it turns out to be something else altogether, though I will not divulge how it differs. The story jumps around a lot, mainly through time but also locations can change from chapter to chapter and sometimes sections. Once you know who is being targeted and why it seems unnecessary to continue moving through time.

The story is kind of predictable once you get into it and it is also a little overblown. With all of that, I never felt any dread or even a little frightened by what was going on. The characters while well drawn in most cases still did not make me like them enough to ever fully care about what was happening or going to happen to them. Plus the added headache of trying to keep straight who was related to who made me less than happy since I had to keep looking back to remember. I mostly just wanted to know how things were going to end for each. The locations are all familiar in that I know where they are even if I have never been there myself.

The story is told in a non-linear manner which makes it sometimes hard to follow. The ideas behind the story are interesting and I liked them, which is why I wanted to read it. The problem is that it didn’t hold up to what I expected.

The story begins in Victorian England in the year 1894 in the home of a minor noble who has brought together others for an evocation of evil. A young serving girl is curious and hides away to observe what these rich people are doing which requires her to do extra work. As the gathered nobles start their incantations something on the other side of a barrier finds the new life within the girl and decides that using it can further its goals. The child is touched and changed in his mother’s womb and so it begins.

Fast forward to 2004 in Ohio on Christmas Eve and we will find the culmination of all those years in between. The evil has grown up and needs to feed in order to open the door between world that will devastate the human race.

There were some glitches in the narrative with sentences ending abruptly leaving out words obviously in several chapters. The demons and the rift itself do not show up very often and when they do are less than scary. You also have words used in the wrong way or order and the wrong words being used on occasion, but you can usually figure out what is being said.

I liked this well enough though it did not tick all the boxes for me when it comes to a novel I know is supposed to be horror. I would recommend this to anyone who likes horror or supernatural stories.

My rating: πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–


Upon visiting the bookstore, I inquired with the clerk about a commendable vampire novel, and he recommended this particular one. I am immensely pleased that he did, as I was swiftly engrossed by the narrative. It revolves around a Vampire Huntress (envision Buffy but with an extra dose of sass) who is also a spoken word artist. The underlying themes are spiritual yet resonate with real-world authenticity. This novel marks the beginning of a 12-book saga that transports readers across the globe, reimagining the age-old battle between good and evil in an exceptionally captivating manner. Within its pages, one will encounter numerous figures from biblical and mythological lore, yet the tone remains far from sermonizing.

I deemed it an excellent introductory novel and believe it would appeal greatly to anyone fascinated by vampires and those who vanquish them.

**The narrative persists in its allure, and the mysticism interwoven throughout continues to provoke thought and wonder.

My Rating: ❃❃❃❃

Dead Beat

Dead Beat (The Dresden Files #7)

This one is a little more fun than some of the other books though you get laughs with them all in one way or another. The wit and sarcasm really flow. As has been the case James Marsters does a fantastic job of bringing our hero and his friends to life. The story continues to evolve along with the characters.

The war with the Red Court Vampires continues to rage and take casualties. Necromancers have come to town looking for The Word of Kemmler, a book, that will elevate them to the role of a god. Halloween is going to be less than stellar once again for the people of Chicago if Harry cannot stop the latest threat.

We get a lot more of Waldo Butters in this one as he is kind of featured. I had some laugh out loud moments because Harry has some of the wildest lines. James Marsters as usual brings it home in a big way as he continues to bring life to Harry and his merry band of friends and enemies.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
β€œIn the action business, when you don’t want to say you ran like a mouse, you call it ‘taking cover.’ It’s more heroic.”
― Jim Butcher, Dead Beat

4 stars No Review


Each book has a hot story with great characters who are very human.Β  You have demons, vampires, and just plain people in situations they would not have chosen for themselves in most cases. I really liked each of these and even though I did not recommend them at the time I cannot see why anyone should miss out on them. This is escapism at its hottest with a real story behind it. Enjoy!

Sudden Backtrack


Sudden Backtrack (The Hollows #13.1)

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I was under the impression that this was going to be Al’s story, like him having the last word after all was said and done. This was nothing like what I expected. I was actually kind of bored while reading it, something that has never happened with one of Kim Harrison’s books. This just seemed like an after thought more than anything else, not a thought out short. I didn’t mind the length but I did mind that it was not a better short. It gets 3 stars because I love the characters even if I do not particularly like the story being told.

Newt and Gally (Al) have escaped but are trying to spin a curse on the elves which will affect their future children and they have chosen one of their hunters to be the one to spread it.

This was more about Newt than Al and it did give me the reason that she felt so close to Rachel. This I would say to read if you just want one more look at the world of the demons. It is very limited.

Thirteen Roses


Thirteen Roses Book One: Before: An Apocalyptic Zombie Fable

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I do love a good zombie story! The one thing that did kind of annoy me about this one is that it seemed like it took so long to get to the zombies. Don’t get me wrong, I was enjoying the lead up completely, it’s just I was looking all over for the zombies. I like the way the characters were introduced one at a time in order to give you a feel for who they are. It gave me a chance to decide if I liked them or not, meaning whether I was going to be rooting for or against them. I liked the use of interludes to give more background on the state of things as they unfolded. This was definitely a different type of zombie story with what seem to be spiritual/religious undertones.

A flower seller who appears to be nothing special but who speaks like a very well-educated man, and is much more than anyone would believe. Flowers are given to seven carefully chosen people for reasons that can mean life or death for them. One of those people has the ability to cause the release of a plague that will devastate the world and it seems to have been made possible by someone associated with our flower seller.

You have to read this in order to truly appreciate it. Angels, demons, the almighty, and an interesting cross of humanity. I want book two to be just as interesting as this one because I am highly motivated to read it as soon as it comes out. Great characters, good action, nice premise, and kind of fun. I would call it a must read.

If you have not yet read book 1 do so immediately!


The Witch with No Name


The Witch With No Name (The Hollows #13)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I hate to see a favorite series end but if it must then this is the way I want it to go out. I am so happy that Kim Harrison saw fit to to actually tie up all the loose threads that had come into play along the way. This was an exciting and tense entry that was well crafted and made for a great send off for Rachel, Ivy, and Jenks as they started to go their separate ways. The world inhabited by our people has always been vivid and very real, both reality and the Ever After.

Rachel made a deal with Cormel that she would find a way to return the souls of the undead vampires, because she was looking for a way to save Ivy. Cormel has become impatient and wants it done sooner than later. He makes an attempt on Ivy hoping to push Rachel into working faster. Rachel goes to the man who tried to kill her with the elves Goddess, Landon, for help and he pulls as fast one on her.

Rachel and Trent end up in a race to save not only Ivy but the source of magic as well from a madman who thinks he can destroy it and bring it back. Trent is also dealing with Ellasbeth again and trying to come to an agreement.

There is a lot going on and it may seem chaotic but it is what you would expect from these characters. Rachel does work my nerves a bit with her self-pity parties every step of the way. But I got the HEA I wanted and for me that is the best thing of all.

If you have been a fan of the Hollows then you cannot miss this! I would recommend it to everyone, but start at the beginning.Β  πŸ˜€

Wide Awake


Wide Awake (Academy of the Fallen #1)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I flew through this book within the span of several hours and was surprised at how much I liked it. I like YA but it is not my usual read and so finding something that pulled me in so completely is a testament to how good it is. The characters are so well-defined that I couldn’t help but be drawn to them, even the side characters had a definite feel that gave you insight into them and what could be expected from them. Based on the ages of the characters the dialogue was spot on for they talk to each other and the adults they interact with giving them even more life.

Kayla is your typical 16-year-old, she has good friends, nice parents, and a so-so boyfriend. The one thing that seems to set Kayla apart is that she was adopted when she was 3 years old and no one has told her about her biological parents. Her days have been spent with shopping and hanging out with her friends until they go on a field trip to the museum and everything changes for her. First she sees a little girl named Carolyn in a back room at the museum and then she shows up again at her home, not totally strange and she takes her home, but then she starts seeing her in other places.

Hunter Chambers was once a friend but now is anti-social and keeps to himself. When Hunter approaches Kayla and says that he knows how to help her and she refuses. He tries a few times and then leaves the ball in her court so she can decide. As things get worse she has to call for help as her normal world starts to spin out of control. Things she never thought existed are now after her and Hunter is the only person standing between her and something worse than death.

Kayla is a kid and as teenagers go not so bad, though we would have issues with her attitude. I found Hunter to be the best part of this since Kayla is still a little to soft for my tastes, hoping for her to get a little tougher as things progress. But overall a very enjoyable and entertaining story leading to an even better story I see on the horizon. I will definitely be continuing this series!




My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I received this book for free through NetGalley for an honest review.

I was really happy that I decided to get this book, it caught me off guard and made me love the characters. The writing was fun but still managed to convey a feeling of menace, maybe because even the bad guy had a sense of humor. The characters are all well-developed and give you a sense of reality in who they are and who they may become. I could identify with each of the characters on one level or another and that just made it even better for me. I wondered about the title at first but it quickly resolved itself in an interesting way. I am a big fan of Edgar Allan and one of my favorite stories of his is The Tell-Tale Heart, which is referenced here. There was no lag in the story and everything played out quickly with just the right amount of tension.

Dimitri is a nice guy who has had his fair share of tragedy in his life. When his parents died on their way to visit him at college he decided to leave instead of completing the semester. He ends up taking a job with the local paper writing obituaries while he continues to work on his novel, a paranormal tomb about Rasputin, not exactly the life he had envisioned but it pays the bills. There is a girl he is interested in and he has not even asked her out yet, though he talks to regularly as a source, Lisa works at the local convalescent home and gives him information on the residents.

The real complications start when he is sent out to cover a sΓ©ance at the local haunted house, the Aspinwall mansion, where a lot of people died years before. This assignment changes his life in ways he would never have been able to imagine. It is also the beginning of a rash of killings that are linked to his family which will shock and terrify the community he lives in.

I really ended up liking Dimitri, right from the start he was this gawky, self-effacing guy with a personality you couldn’t help but be drawn to. Lisa was is the cool girl that you wouldn’t expect to be with him but she has more going for her than just looks, she is everything that he needs and they fit together. While you have some good gory scenes they are not over the top but just right to keep the interest. I found myself laughing, smiling, talking back to the characters (out loud) and being worried for their safety. I had a great time reading it and am hoping for more time with them, not to mention Poe and Nachiel. Seems like things ended on a draw and payback would be nice. I definitely recommend this to anyone who likes a little romance, ghosts, demons, angels, and immortal exorcist.